Helpful Tips for Writers


Use of Articles

I ran across a helpful paper about the use of articles (a, an, the). I’ve previously posted about the importance of using articles (check out that post by clicking on “Articles” in the topic list on the right). This paper takes the next step by helping you select which article to use, which is not always as straightforward as it may seem. Those of you who are non-native speakers of English should find this especially helpful, as this is a tricky element of English.

Filed under: Articles (A An The)

Articles matter

When writing technical material, people are often tempted to leave out articles (the, a, an, some, any).

Mudmat is required on working invert of top heading and bench. Mudmat is optional on top headingĀ invert if benching is carried along with top heading.

Imagine reading an entire report written like this. Besides being incorrect usage, it conveys an impression of haste or impatience. It can also be difficult for a reader to understand.

Articles are a necessary part of our language. The definite article the is used when you are referring to a specific noun. Indefinite articles (a, an, some, any) are used to refer to non-specific nouns.

Please bring me the book from the table.

Please bring me a book from the library.

Filed under: Articles (A An The), Grammar